BIOBOWSER is a range of fully automated Organic waste management systems capable of converting all types of organic food and garden waste to fertilizer without any dedicated manpower.
All types of organic waste including vegetable and fruit peels and leftovers, meat waste, fish waste, eggshells, garden waste, leaves, natural tissues, fast food waste, bread, rice, small bones, compostable bags and cutlery, animal manure can be processed in BIOBOWSER.
BIOBOWSER follows a unique microbial decomposition process that allows the compost to be reduced up to 90% in volume in just 24 hours, creating an efficient and quick process of converting organic waste into rich, high-quality compost.
Did you know Australian households throw out 2.5 million tonnes of food annually, equivalent to 7.7 million meals every day. That’s twice as much as we think we’re wasting!
Australians can make simple changes that can significantly reduce the amount of food we throw away. From proper food storage to creative use of leftovers, we’re empowering everyone with practical, relatable ways to save the planet and their pockets.
Everyday, businesses around the world send valuable materials to landfill. The increasing amount of organic waste in a landfill is a big environmental problem with negative impacts to businesses and households worldwide.
We manufacture systems for all producers of organic waste from Government , schools, hospital farms and restaurant. Processing capacity from 25 kg/day up to 2000 kg/day.
Australia wasted 10.1 BILLION worth of food in 201.9 and this is increasing a Rabobank report has revealed. Australians are wasting 13% of their weekly grocery spend equating to $1026 each year. Fifty per cent of all waste to landfill in Australia is organics. Fifty-three per cent of an average domestic waste bin is organic material. Many countries in Europe have banned organics to landfill by both commercial operations and households. India has declared that any company that produces above 100 kg per day must process this food waste on site. This is best treated by on site composter. It can happen here in Australia if governments and communities combine to set up FOGO systems and champion the cause not just mouth FOGO as a catch phrase.
We’d love to help you get started on your next project. Book your totally free consultation with one of our experts today, and let’s get this thing underway!